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Community Nursing/High Complex Needs

Community Nursing / High complex needs Our trained staff at CURE CARE AUSTRALIA offer disability support services and healthcare services to people in the comfort of their own homes. We provide…

Accommodation and Tenancy Assistance

We offer Short Term Accommodation & Assistance (Respite care). You can utilise our STA if you need to live away from home for a short time or want respite care…

Innovative community participation

CURE CARE AUSTRALIA supports NDIS participants to build skills to actively participate in their community. We will work in partnership with you to deliver all the support and services you…

Training and Development

We offer short non accredited courses to community and disability support workers. Our training is tailored to expand knowledge and skills of staff and promote client/ staff safety. We offer quality…

Contact Us

Get in touch

Physical Address: Suite 19/1 Springfield Lakes Blvd, Springfield Lakes QLD 4300 Virtual Office Level 9 / 307 Queen Street , Brisbane ,4000 ,Queensland
1300 498 144